Thursday, March 19, 2009

Pornographic upgrade

Sorry fellas - I bring thee bad news... Julia (the Russian) has been disqualified from the best job in the world! The good news is that it was for posting explicit videos on the internet, so you can still give her your vote on you tube. Don't believe me? Check out this link:
(Courtesy of Angharad Watkins' search skills)

Simply splendid news for me of course - I've been upgraded to 19th place and there's one less contestant in the running, thus slightly increasing my chances of success! Hurrah! Now all I need to do is beat the other 48 contestants (not literally, of course - I'm not that competitive).

So where is my life going now? Well - other than being jobless, skint, homeless, and (if I send one more email asking for votes) probably friendless too - everything is just fine and dandy. I'm still being stalked by the BBC and have learnt the hard way that you really need to watch what you say when the cameras are rolling. Yesterday I came out with a classic line when asked how I felt about the fact I have no home and am having to bounce around from house to house accepting bed and breakfast offers from friends. My response was nothing short of: "Oh it's fine, I've slept in a different bed every night for the last 4 months, why not continue?"

Nice one Sarah Louise... there's another quote for the Daily Sport.

I did promptly add that this was because I have been travelling and therefore staying in different hostels, but my money is on that explanation not making the final cut (a situation not helped by the fact that I accidentally relayed this story to James [Australian contestant] later on, while the cameras were rolling AGAIN!). Forgive me Father, for I have sinned.

In other news, I should be on the breakfast show on Virgin on Monday, I managed to get a click through vote piece in the UKTV website and I have developed an addiction to hot cross buns (I ate a 12 pack today).

Right, let's wrap it...

Mini x


  1. Glad I could be of help with the location of news worthy stories! Guess it helps being unemployed over here!
    Well done with all the campaigning sure you'll make a great caretaker, could always see u in a long brown coat, flat cap with a broom!
    Good luck!
    Angharad xxx

  2. Have you found out yet who did the 'Vote Sarah' photo's?! x
