Saturday, March 21, 2009

One hit wonder?

I consider myself to be a happy person. However, there is one little thing that has niggled away at me for five years now... ever since that fateful day when I was carrying out a bit of mid-exam task avoidance and typed my name into Google to see what came up...

Schoolboy error. In 0.23 seconds flat, Google successfully managed to obliterate my ego - leaving me feeling common, boring, insignificant, and under-qualified. There, in front of my disbelieving eyes, it generated a long list of other Sarah Louise Lanes, smugly equipped with PHDs, MBAs, awards, medals, and personal websites, who had clearly managed to impress Google far more effectively than I had.

It took half an hour and a desperate image search before I finally found myself - in a little head shot picture from an agency in Leeds. I cursed my parents for being so inconsiderate at my birth. How could they be so thoughtless? A simple twist like my nickname 'Sahara' or a middle name like 'Phoenix', would have had my picture in the front running for any Google search.

Today, however, my five years of feelings of inadequacy came to an end when I typed my name into Google, searching for a web copy of an interview I'd done. There, on the first page of search results were five articles about me, including a BBC article I'd never seen before. What a glorious day this is turning out to be... thank you 'best job in the world' judges for my long-awaited Google success!

In other news, I've finally confirmed a studio live interview on Absolute (formerly Virgin) radio for Tuesday morning, am waiting to hear if I will be on GMTV on Monday morning, and have organised an Australia-themed London stunt for tomorrow. Everything is going spiffingly.

Only four days left now... please pull out all the stops and stir yourselves into a voting frenzy...

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